
Gambling everything on there being no afterlife 
Heroin, Britain and Me, by a Junkie

New findings suggest that there are now over 105 heroin addicts in the UK. In a shock report to be published in full next week, we uncover the seedy underbelly of inner city Britain and speak to people who openly use the mind-bending drug. Some people may find the following extract disturbing.

Shane's story: Shane is 34 and unemployed. He lives in a dustbin on top of a high rise tower block. "Like most people, I was introduced to heroin by a friend. We'd tried other stuff, hash, speed, all that. I guess we were looking for a better buzz. The first time I took heroin it was just fantastic. Imagine your favourite food, like pizza or something. Now times that by ten. That's what heroin tastes like. It's absolutely lush. Of course, it doesn't last. Now it just tastes like plain crisps or something, but I still like it."

Trev's story: Trev is 40 and unemployed. He lives in a condemned warehouse, which is often on fire. "If any kid is reading this and thinking of trying heroin then I'd say, yeah give it a go. Watch out though - heroin might be gorgeous but it's expensive. I'm lucky - I get mine free."

Tracey's story: Tracey is 23 and unemployed. She lives in a disused abbatoir. "Heroin has taken my job and my husband. I think that's the reason I like it so much. I hated my job and my husband was boring. People have this image of a heroin addict as a sad, pathetic junkie shooting up in a tower block which is just so patronising. Sure, a lot of us do live in squalor but it's a choice thing. Who needs luxury sofas? I've got my heroin! You can adapt quite a lot of recipes to use heroin, like most of Nigella Lawson's new book. I like it plain and simple, spread on granary bread. I love heroin, me!"

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