
Gambling everything on there being no afterlife 
A Life in the Day of..... Tim Healy

Every Sunday morning, as a family, we always make a point of reminiscing over a viewing of every episode of "Auf Weidersehen Pet", which they will always enjoy. I was in "Auf Weidersehen pet" you see. You remember it, don't you? Jimmy Nail was in it, Kevin Whateley - big stars now, them, don't hear much from them these days.

I chose a different career path, which I'm perfectly happy with. Aye, Kevin Whateley. He went on to star in "Peak Practice". He left it when it was really popular, actually. Odd decision if you ask me. I wouldn't have jacked it in. Mind you, they never asked me, did they?

Jimmy? Big shot pop star eh? Spender? Crocodile fuckin' Shoes? Anyway, "Peak Practice". He left it y'knaa! Didn't get the sack, show wasn't axed - oh no - he just walked out! Can you believe that? The arrogance of the man. Sheer fuckin' arrogance that. Well it is, isn't it? Became Lewis, didn't he? Some might say that was a bit lucky - I say good luck to the lad, just a pity he forgets about all his old mates, that's all. But, like, when Inspector Morse says, "Lewis!" it's him he means. Lewis! LEWIS! Oh aye, it's all LEWIS now. Everyone's gone Lewis bloody mad! Lewis! Off he went, off to be Lewis! Lewis this, Lewis that, Lewis the bloody other! LEWIS! LEWIS! LEWIS!! LEWIS!!!!!

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