
Gambling everything on there being no afterlife 

Welcome to the G&T’s new reader’s competition. Free to enter, the contest is open to readers of all ages and intellects - although being in your mid-twenties and prone to bouts of naïve faddishness will be a distinct advantage.

All you have to do is design your ideal living room by purchasing items from the list below and then deciding where best to place them. Each week our Karma-Computer will calculate the past seven days Zen-scores and the reader with the most harmonious, balanced room will win a tin of catfood.

Remember, you can only afford to spend £75, and you can’t buy more than one type of oil burner.

Item Price (£s) Item Price (£s)
Rag Rug 18 Kula Shaker Album 16
Scented Candles 45 Bean Bag 27
Bonsai Plant 33 Feline Mobile 14
Television 1.5 Buddha Paper Weight 53
Star Map 8 Lamp from IKEA 4.99

Last Week’s Scores:

Bad news for any readers who positioned a plant on the window sill - the cat knocked it over and now your carpet’s fucked. Lose 9 pts.

Rugs hung on the wall over the fireplace look excellent. Win 5 pts.

The main light bulb has gone and you don’t know how to replace it - add another 12 pts to your total.

All entrants lose 15 pts this week as the Real IRA blew up a lay line just outside Exeter last Monday night.

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