
Gambling everything on there being no afterlife 
It's a Butcher's Life!

"Well chew my chops, is it that time already? Frank here, Frank Beacher, and it only seems like a week since we last had one of our little chats. Come to think of it, it was a week ago! I'd overseason my sausages if my head wasn't screwed on! Remember we was havin' a natter about old Mr. Gideon? He comes into my shop, regular as clockwork every Tuesday lunchtime for his half-pound of liver? Yeah well, strange thing is, he's started coming in every day. Aye-aye, I thought! What's goin' on here? So I has a word with that nice Laura girl from the hairdressers down the road. I wouldn't mind putting my toad in her hole, if you know what I mean.  I mean I want sex with her! Well - anyway, old Mr. Gideon, turns out he's a broken man! Yeah! Forty years he's worked in that Bank, then they turn it into a trendy wine bar. Well, he's lost it. You would, wouldn't you? Apparently he sits on the roundabout just over the way there, in his business suit, drinkin' his cider and eatin' his liver. You'd think he'd have a drink in the wine bar wouldn't you? Nah, not Mr. Gideon. Very proud man is Mr. Gideon. He's still got his dignity you see. Anyway, I can't stand here jabberin' all day - the floor sweepings won't just jump into the mince you know! Yes love - what can I get you?"

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